Re: Thank you Wrenn!
i don't understand why you assume youare so backed up?
maybei am misreadign yo u? you said youdid sucessfully then have a movement?
and you have stopped the b and p shakes?
your intesines have bene tthru alot/ giv e them time to regain theeeri own natural state of being.
eat very small meals/ no cheeses nothing tha t binds/ i don't knwo wha tyour diet is/ i mean liek no pizzas/ etc
jstu think of wha tyou would feed a baby and go form there if you are feelign youare backe dup/ maybe a small amt of soft oatmeal? i think you sound pretty well flushe dot me / if i misunderstan dyou , youhave sadi youare doign teh slat water flushes an dpasse dliquids/ why are you considerign an enema? then ? umm . hmm. i don't knwo wha t to say i think i am misunderstan dign you ?
i knwo youwere back e dup form the b and p's but now yousay you had the "butt pee" after another swf.
if this is so, i say jstu relax ea tlight/giv eyoubody time to eqaulize and tak e over its normal job.
it may be jsut that you are feelign the "NEED" to form so many thign s beign taken to try to make it contract. you don't want to *horrors* keep on doign that/ if youapsse dsoem thign sucessfully
tthen my advice is let it rest/ you don't nee dit overcrampign and danagin gyour intestines/maybe even make then tear in sid e a bi t form overcramping. 8(
do you hav e ornithine? it alwasy makes me sleep/
camomile tea is good too/ dont' drink anythign diuertic i fyouare felelign back ed up/ tha t means coffee/ tea/cranberry juice/etc.
i am sure non eof thsi is really ahelp/ but all i can say is let your bowles tak eover on their own... i fyou really feelyou need to help them along take 1/2 cap od senna or watered down lax tea.
the idea is ntoto spen the rest of yoru life conttrollign you intestines . they knwo wha t to do/ giv e them tiem to do it/
get soem shredded coco nut even and jstu putit in a ball in yoru mouth and chewit suck the juice out but don't eat the pupl if feelign abke dup/ cocnut is a good natural laxative.
good luck sorry i could think of anthing other than le tyour body tak e ove r it own job. and relax 8) lightly massage your tummy.