i jsut now reread youand realize dyou wwere stillon day 8
of course you ar enot passing much !!! *laugh * darlin g, daarling
youare nto eatin g *laugh *
yes jstu relax.... no youare nto goign to pass anythign soolid at this point !! allthat is goin gin is liquid.
no , htere is nothing in there *down and dirty *
your body is drawign teh toxins out, and the cayenne is disolving it off your walls etc the mucous build ups.
tha tyou feel the urge amyb eto move is jstu form the laxatives forcign your itnenetien sinto contractingto expell wah tis in tehre.
so the urge is from that.
also when yougo off the cleanse youmigth get bakc edup for real
as yougradually re aassume eating. stick to teh recipe water and oj first day. gradually on the 2nd day buidl up lightly/
let your intestien s reassuem theeer own natural activity/
it doe snto say keep doign swf or lax teas.
the ide aof a cleanse is to when you end it get back to normal.
how can your system get back to normla ? i fyou force it itno wha t yOU determien it should be doing.
when youahve surgery i t take s awhiel for the intessstien sto recover/ my son an di both took about 2 dyas after stoppign to get a solid activity resummed and both of us the firs toen we had /ha dsoem weird blackish stuff mixe din with it.
after tah t came out thign shave gotten back to noraml/
my post above / i did not mean to infer th ayou did eat tha tkind a food. i was jstu sayign IF you do/ and feel back ed up /
then don't eat stuf fliek tat 8)
after a flush us eyoru common sense. andi think you will e jstu fine. jstu don't fallitnothe trap of constantly every day tryign to control your body . it knwo s what it is supposed to do and i fyou contiunally take over it s job/ it will event ually lose its ability to do fo ritself . i knwo you willnot let this happen
the idea is detox then enjoy life an dbe healthy with your body functionioning in balance.