Re: Measles, Mumps or Rubella Parties.
Your story is nonsense. This is not applicable a case of a fallacious argument.
You can verify what you "saw" with evidence. You can check for gsr on the hands of the person. Check the caliber of the bullet on the dog. Compare it to the gun. You can go further to check the striations on the bullet with the ones make by the gun in question.
The Second fallacious argument is called BAD ANALOGY. It also include some FALSE CAUSE....argument By Pigheadedness, Appeal To Coincidence:
Luckily for me I do not rely on "god" (of if you are muslim/jew - G_D), I used logic, reason and fact to determine my conclusion [when available - like in this case]
I did not call you a liar. That would be a false conclusion on my part. I said you are making a Post Hoc error. And that still stands. ab absurdum
I am having difficulty finding a single sentence that is not logically flawed in some way.