I know that asking myself questions about my experience allowed me have a greater understanding of my own experience. Ask the hard questions and wait for your answers. Some of my questions were not answered for 20 years. I imagine there are even more answers to new questions. My near death experience was like a puzzle...I was only able to work out the outside edges of my experience but as I looked at puzzle more, the little pieces came together more clearly. Not all of my experience was wonderful....I witnessed the world's final destruction....but I also learned many of the same lessons you did... In my own words, I came to realize that living a life of loving kindness will allow us to take more of our life with us to the other side when we leave this life. I believe that dark spirits cling to our souls as we leave this life. I witnessed the dark greens and blues but I continued on . You said that what you experienced was a sense of not being human. What do you think it was? You may have been given a gift of seeing how one of these dark spirits might exist in that nether world you visited? What do you think? It would be interesting to ask your near death experience questions and then you might be suprised to discover the answers. Post more...What you say is important to me and the readers of this forum.