I have always wondered what a person who went to the other other side went through. I went to heaven and met God. My guess is that God gives us what we need for our learning but it may be just that you you were distracted on your way to the other side. While I was on my way in the tunnel, I saw the material world shedding from off of my soul. People of all faiths or lack of faith have met God in a similar way and only a small percent of people have experienced death in the way you have. I think that God knows what our needs are and lets us experince our near death jouney in a way that we will get the most from the experience. I personally don't believe God will leave any soul in the place you visited but there are some who have made the journey to the place you visited. Yahshua(Jesus) has a historical account of that journey and Jesus was sinless...so I hope you don't think you were being punished for being bad or unrepentent? I would love to know about your journey. Post your entire experience and just let it out. Telling my story was very healing for me. I hope you would tell us your story...