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Re: Fecal odor i cannot smell.....

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Re: Fecal odor i cannot smell.....

Not definitively unfortunately! (Wouldn't it be nice if body stuff could be definitive!) It's a maybe. My chiro taught me that smells like musk, fecal or whatever are one way the body detoxes lymph through the pores. Skin bacteria contributes to the smell somehow. For me, the musky scent has been gradually getting better by addressing various toxins & digestion issues. I was *very* musky til I figured out how to digest protein right. Then I got somewhat less musky. (Can tell if not digesting protein right by looking at stool -- chiro said, poorly digested protein leads to dark, dense stool or dark putty-like stool, & being backed up.)

Then I was on a diet that was unintentionally excellent for candida, and the rest of the musk scent went away entirely. Then I added starchy carbs back in & regained the musky smell, though a bit less... Thought I wasn't digesting starch right. Couldn't figure out why. Then I experimented with the water and was able to dilute my lymph enough to not smell at all, but whew, just couldn't drink 1 1/2 gallons a day!

Since 3 months ago I'm purposely on a strict candida diet, and the musk scent is 98% gone. So clearly for me it wasn't carb digestion, but toxins related to candida. Think candida die-off affects it for me because the scent varies a bit. (I use scent to evaluate my health.) I've had candida intensely. My understanding is, any type of toxin or excess waste will add to the lymph burden, being that's it's function, to clean. So I'm very careful to avoid unnecessary toxins -- I use citrus cleaning solutions & vinegar instead of regular ones etc. For me, protein digestion was about 1/3 of the musk smell, and candida seems to be the last 2/3's... I think depending on how much candida one has, it can release a lot of toxins. Metal toxicity might also affect, was reading that candida absorbs mercury, and releases it during die-off -- makes die-off feelings worse. So it's hard to distinguish in myself what part of the smell might be heavy metal toxins instead of just standard candida toxins.

So long answer to say, in *me* candida/possibly mercury was definitively much of the musk scent. (Good thing I type fast!)
Interesting side note -- the lymph system is made so it all drains into a central place (can't remember the name of it) under the sternum approximately. One branch of the system includes the right arm/shoulder & right side of head. The other branch includes all the rest of the body including the GI tract, left arm & shoulder. So the left armpit will typically smell worse than the right, because the lymph has a heavier burden on that side. And I read somewhere that Breast Cancer is more common in the left breast -- too simplistic maybe, but logically if the lymph is more overburdened on the left side, it would be less able to help fight cancer by removing toxins & whatever else it does.

Lymph fluid doesn't have a pump like the heart pumps blood. It's pumped by exercise/muscle movement or deep breathing which compresses that central place beneath the sternum. So those two things help. Likely why yoga can help people get healthier, the breathing/movement. Or bouncing on a mini-trampoline can help. Or dry brushing moves lymph.

It's been such a relief to me, to realize it isn't *me* that smells, just something in my body that wasn't working right. A whole lifetime of thinking I smelled, and the whole time, it wasn't me.

(Hi to minime also! Glad if helps. World would be a better place if everyone felt good about how they smelled.)


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