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Try Smelling Your Clothes Instead of Body
TC-12 Views: 35,666
Published: 21 y
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Try Smelling Your Clothes Instead of Body

"The most frustrating part about the whole Body Odor thing is i NEVER smell it."

I think that's a common situation for many people with either body or breath odor: one can't necessarily smell their own odor. I presume this is because one's nose becomes accustomed and "immune" to such smells. When I had a candida yeast infection I suspected I had a smokey or beer smell to me, which isn't unsual for candida sufferers (the yeast converts sugars into alcohol, and them dumps same into the bloodstream). I didn't smell it on my skin, but on my clothes. After wearing a shirt, I'd leave it outside on hanger. A while later I'd sniff the shirt to get a "first impression" of it and would often smell the smokey odor, with no exposure to tobacco or other smoke. I came to the conclusion that smelling one's clothes, rather than smelling one's own skin, was more accurate, at least for me. I suspect this jives with the practice of licking one's wrist and smelling it 10 seconds later, rather than attempting to smell one's own breath, which doesn't really work. Not to be gross here, but addressing those who complain of various "buttock area" odors, if such smells are actually present they might show up as odors in one's underwear. So therefore one could...I'll let you fill in the blanks!


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