I came across your posting while searching Body Odor and read yours with intrigue. I am actually a physician. I thought I needed to resspond to you b/c you must be quite frustrated with your condition. First of all you need a thorough physical exam. Second, you have to mention this problem to your doctor. He or she may actually smell the odor, but just assume that you just passed gas. The fact that when you have touched your belly button, your fingers smelled like feces is very telling. You may have something called a fistula, which is an aberrant connection and opening from your colon to the outside at the site of your navel. This would certainly explain the fecal smell. This is surgically corrected. You might also have some sort of an infection that could be easily treated with an antibiotic. Whatever the reason, you have to seek medical help. Your answer might just be a doctor's visit away. Good luck.