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Re: Fecal odor i cannot smell.....

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maia Views: 35,970
Published: 21 y
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Re: Fecal odor i cannot smell.....

Hi, I had a friend with that problem. I'll tell you what I've always wished I'd told him... Don't feel bad. That's just your body telling you something isn't working right. Other people aren't important, getting healthy is.

Enough on the psych... My understanding is generalized body/underarm odor comes from the lymph system, as well as bacteria. If you wash the bacteria off and the smell comes back too soon, check out the lymph system. It's a system like the blood circulatory system, only with lymph fluid instead -- the clear fluid you sometimes see with a shallow cut. Lymph fluid absorbs & carries toxins & waste matter from all over the body, part of process for clearing it out of the body. A huge & important area for the lymph to clear/clean, is the GI tract. And the GI tract can get gunked up from eating foods that disagree with you. Then the lymph has to clean away the waste gunk, which can be an enormous burden, too much to clear away without excess smell. So reduce the gunk in the GI.

Some people do colonics for this, but they will only be temporary help if you keep eating foods that disagree. Also they're kinda invasive IMHO. They would speed up the clearing-out process. Another option, if you can find a massage therapist who does "visceral massage" (rubs the belly a specific way) that can help break up the gunk so you can move it out naturally. (R.E. colonics, my understanding is a colonic from someone who doesn't do an accompanying visceral massage is a lot less effective.)

I think the most important thing is diet. (Though diet is a gradual fix for clearing out gunk.) For example some people are very affected by wheat -- if you are, it will move through you like glue and gunk up your GI. Some people aren't digesting protein right -- also results in being backed up & gunked. That can be affected by eating proteins that don't agree, or levels of stomach acid & digestive enzymes. Eating a lot of fiber will help, physically de-gunks you. Salads, ground flaxmeal, etc. Goal would be to have about 2 bowel movements a day after eating, like a baby or animals do... (Everyone is all backed up, think it's the primary reason for road rage, ever notice that animals don't need reading material in the bathroom? They're digesting food better than we all are!)

I personally recommend Peter D'Adamo's Blood Type Diet , see I didn't have fecal odor, but I definitely had Body Odor & digestive trouble. This diet is very gentle & healthy for digestion in my experience. It healed irritable bowel syndrome for me, as well as gastritis & I no longer need to take 10 Tums a day. It's a list of guidelines for food intake based on blood type. It's healthy & balanced as to food groups, no extremes. Basically it gives you an idea of what foods might not agree, and it seems well researched -- research is on the website.

Also, drink lots of water. I had overburdened lymph because of candida -- candida releases toxins & my lymph was clearing a lot of them. Not a fecal smell, but a musky smell. I found if I drank a gallon and a half of water a day, I had no smell. However, that's just not a reasonable amount of water to have to drink -- but try to drink more than you are. Dehydrated lymph fluid is thick & sluggish, will clear out toxins/waste more slowly, and lead to more smell.

So anyway, I'm not a doctor, just someone who's been healing for a while. This may not be the right answer for your problem, I can't diagnose... But probably you will know when you read it if it fits for you or not. Trust your instinct, & keep looking for ways to get healthy. If this lymph thing sounds right to you, take key words and research the web. I believe you can get to be smell-free -- if someone as stinky as I used to be can go without deodorant now, then anything is possible. It's all about getting healthy & taking care of yourself. Good luck... Maia


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