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Re: painful sex
anja Views: 4,735
Published: 20 y
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Re: painful sex

That's a little out of my league - once a person has had major invasive surgery like a hysterectomy, I don't know, I think it's much harder to heal from things like that. I believe it's a brutal & barbaric procedure.....but that's a discussion for another time and place...makes me mad just thinking about it...

I am not an expert on PH by any means, but I know that vaginal PH is supposed to be more acidic. You can get PH strips specifically to test urine and saliva, and an optimal PH is a little bit alkaline, around 7.0 to 7.5. I think they have a forum here on Curezone for that topic specifically. Personally, I've been following the Ask Barefoot Herbalist Forum for close to a year, and he has some very interesting ideas and fabulous home made herbal formulas, too. He's actually the first person I've heard suggest that in truth the stomach should be alkaline, but that seems to require a fruitarian diet. He believes there is "one cure" for everything - which I know involves orange juice fasting, but you have a harder, longer climb once you have been damaged by the medical industry. He is a fringe dweller, for sure, but I think he's onto something, and you might want to check out what they're discussing over there. He does give out some free literature, though I think his informational web site is in transition & still under construction. He's big on parasite cleansing and makes the best herbal De-Wormer I've ever tried.

I have what I believe are endometrial cysts on my ovaries, but I will not even allow laporoscopy. I haven't been back for another ultrasound in several years, but I am taking Vitalzyme systemic enzymes and the clumpy periods are getting gradually lighter, with smaller clots. I'm fairly certain the endo and pelvic congestion are due to infection, so working on that, as well. I think a lot of cysts are related to toxicity & parasite and/or yeast colonies in various areas of the body that are holding toxic junk and areas of "low vibration."


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