i take the cb, the gcg, and the coptis. the chinese bitters is taken in the morning because it helps with digestion. since i started taking it, i can eat a lot more food and not feel sick from it. digestion needs a bigger kick in the morning than it does at lunch, so if you're going to take it in combination with either gcg or fem-mate(if you don't want to take this one at night), julia says to take that one before lunch. i've also been working on menopausal problems, and although the chinese bitters does do something for that, and i'm not really sure what, i mean besides decongesting the liver, i find the coptis helps more with the heat problems(hot flashes). of course, i have to try to be really careful to stay away from estrogenic herbs and not overdo the estrogenic foods. even two cups of decaf green tea or a cup of coffee can throw me off and bring the hot flashes back.