I am getting peices of what look like stones still. I did a flush on Friday... had stones until monday AM and then starting again yesterday night I had things that looked like pieces of stones that floated when everything else sunk. I am also doing a b & p shake a day, still.. so they may have been just still in me and came out later.
I was originally going to do what it said on the site with the CB first and then the GCG... but the paper that came with both bottles (I ordered them together) says (this is a summary)to determine your own dose for CB... starting with 1/2 tsp and if there is any discomfort or pain in the liver area to decrease. Headaches are a detox symptom (have had mild ones) if you experience none of these symptoms, gradually increase dosage.
Then, stapled to that was a sheet that said
Taking CB and GCG on the same day:
If you want to take CB and GCG on the same day, you should take one before breakfast and the other before lunch (both on an empty stomach) Some people feel good taking them on the same day, but other people find it too much for their liver and gall bladder b/c they feel uncomfortable or even pain in this area. In this situation, take only one at a time.
I am a sagitarius and up for an occasional adventure... so the first day I took the 1/2 tsp of CB before breakfast (around 8) and then the 1/2 tsp of GCG before lunch at 1:30 and had no problems... so I kept it up.
I don't like the stuff at all.... but I want to get better so I am going with it this way for now. I was scared I would lose track of which I took the day before so I thought it was better to just do both so long as my liver did not object.
Since a detox symptom is headache... maybe my sinuses are also a detox symptom. I have had bad sinuses for the last few years. Taken a lot of
Antibiotics for infections and used Afrin sprays and bad stuff like that in my nose b/c I had tons of congestion there.
Last few days I have had a lot of dried up, sticky, and gross bloody green discharge not fluid AT ALL... but hunky and sticky and hard to move. Looks old, not new... so I figured between the bowel cleanse, the liver flush, the kidney flush, and all these new supplements that I am taking, this was a detox syptom of something other than the bitters or GCG... but it could be from this as well.
Who knows. But I will keep you posted as to what I see happening. I wish we could flush without the
Epsom Salts :)
I am doing my first enema tomorrow so if I see things it should be then... :)
Have a great night wren.