Re: Extreme flatulence triggered by anxiety.Help!!
I was shocked to read how similar my situation is to yours (and to some of the others), especially because I have been researching my problem for almost two years and came to the conclusion that no one in this world is going through the same thing as me!
I have been to numerous doctors and have tried almost everything: fennel, charcoal, eating less, eliminating milk, symethicone, homeopathic stuff, exercise but realize that it is a psychological thing. What is annoying is that because I always have it, I'm always thinking about it! Doctors even say that it's paranoia or too much stress, and me being over-sensitive. BUT how can I not stress out when I have to fear of going out, of being in a crowded place, of being around people, of people standing behind me at the supermarket (as they will most likely hear the farts/popping noises/grumbling) Ever since this started (about three years ago), it's only gotten worse, and it has ruined my social life and my self esteem. There is almost nothing left for me to try, this is why I can relate so badly to you! I avoid going out the restaurants (that's the worst possible situation: food and sitting down among peopel), and things normal people do. I hate going to the movies because that involves sitting next to people. Even sitting next to someone in a car, or in public transportation or on a couch is awful. I hate how it is correlated to the mind. I'm suffering the most though because of the reactions of others. It's obvious that people around me and classmates hear it (or "feel" it) because they either avoid sitting next to me or get squirmish and fidgety. This makes my gas problem so much worse and it just never ends. Why on earth do I have so much gas inside me? And why on earth do people think it's funny to make comments or snicker behind my back. I pretend not to hear, and act as if I don't have this problem but the truth is I just want to be normal. This is a really embarassing and frustrating situation. Please continue posting and giving feedback on how you guys manage. It is truly depressing.