Re: Extreme flatulence triggered by anxiety.Help!!
I too have been suffering from similar issues for some time. Again it's the same old story of flatulence causing anxiety causing flatulence causing anxiety causing flatulence and on and on it goes. I am unable to be in confined spaces with other people, let alone have a social life. I have suffered from severe flatulence and stomach cramps for a long time and have visited the doctor more times than I care to remember. I tried changing my diet and cutting down on protein and cutting out dairy and eggs altogether and although this helped, I was still having a lot of problems! I have tried all the over-the-counter drugs going, wind-eze, remegel, asilone antacid, but nothing seems to help. I have done a lot of research, mainly on the NHS site, and I seem to have just a couple of symptoms that fit numerous illnesses which is why my doctor seems hesitant to put me on any prescription drugs and seems to think my condition is just caused by stress. I have found one solution however that does seem to be improving my situation which is some carbon filter underwear. They have some sort of charcoal in them, which I guess must work in a similar way to charcoal tablets. I originally bought some just to help me out until I found a permanent solution but having worn them for a while I have managed to break the anxiety-flatulence cycle to some extent. At least now when I wear them I don't worry about the odour of my flatulence and it actually seems to stop me getting so many stomach cramps as a result. I've only been using them for a while and can only hope that they continue to relieve my anxiety and I continue to improve. - the carbon underwear site - the NHS site