Re: Outside/Inside
Lori...ah, this is funny, because when I read your post the other day I thought: Rebellious = Uranus. Better check her Uranus position!!
And, sure enough, you have Uranus right by your ARE an inner Rebel!!! Absolutely.
Yes, your daughter is definitely mirroring your inner rebellious self. (did your mother have this too? Is it something that runs through the females in your family? I see this happening in charts and by the looks of your chart your mother could easily have this too)
The thing is...that your desire for personal FREEDOM is mingled with an equal desire for everything to be harmonious and nice and beautiful....without that unstable stuff that goes along with Uranus, personal freedom, rebelling, breaking away from the 'tribe' etc...
This could, perhaps, be a theme amongst the members of some of your family (and extended family) be able to feel Free and excited within a stable life...? To integrate that desire for unfetteredness into your Self....truly integrate your life and Self is truly free within itself...hmmmm...
So, yes, your dream was showing you that this desire for personal freedom and rebelliousness that you have is driving you a bit nuts...and it's reflected back at you through your daughter's behaviour and your relationship to her...I guess you want this part of you (that is always seeking...?) to die so you can feel calm and peaceful...but that will come...through your Jupiter in Pisces...and nurturing yourself and others...through water... I really have to get out of this chair!
love Tracey