Re: and...
wow, that is sooo right. I am soooo ill right now, cannot take that much on the net.
I am on the lyme breeding cycle. About every 28 days... the lyme is active and best time to kill. Even though I take the lyme supps all the time, the most effective time to kill them is when they come out to breed. I woke up today, took my Spirokete, the product that my dream told me to take, and am soooo ill.
In bed mostly all day.. Body has to lay there and fight.
I will be like this for about hmm, 3-7 days or so.
Gets me angry!!!! want to get out and be well, but have to ly there and get well. I am not a BED person, dont like to sleep unless I have to, so this has really been a tough thing for me...
Oh well, what can I do but get well. :)
Yes, that is sooo odd that what you said, is what my dream said... 2004. I have felt deep healing... since April, in bed for one month, fighting at a deep level... really know this... keep a journal... All I didd was sleep for one month basically I think it was may.
Well, I have to go back to bed to sleeepppp, I really was loosing it today... crying and feel like I was dying..... thought what the heck is going on... and now after looking in journal... it is the lyme breeding cycle, and when take my herbal for lyme, the kill off is deadly.
You know Tracey, this whole thing is just so hard for me to believe, I mean my dreams, this healing thing... it is like...
another world. I often wonder... when I see the new alternative MD soon if he is going to test my lyme herbal and say... NO! it is not good for you. I then will think, why did I have the dream?? You see, I was very allergic to one of the ings in the herbal I am taking... if I take that herb alone, my whole throat swells. Possibly, it is in the combo, and I am not allergic to it... Also, since killing the lyme, my allergies are getting better, so possibly over time my body has been fine with the herbal. Dont know if I am making sense.
thanks a bunch.