thanks Tracey,
It is not that easy to move out, have tried about a dozen times... in the past several years. I have the severe chemical sensitivities, and had rented an apartment, or shared place and
got sick later in it, so had to move back to my parents.
I have been very sick, I mean basically confined to the house here the past 1.5 years... too sick to go outside for that long.
I think though, that possibly this dream has to do with right now, what is going on with me right now. Possibly the box/coffin is my room or the house here... and it is time to get out...
or to take that step that i have to do to get my car fixed, get a referal from my dr to see the specialist in the city,,, and so on. I am in a depression, and had stopped the st johns wort cause it was reacting with the drug I am on. It was the drug that I was told to take in my dream, and was told to find a MD to work with.
ANYWAYS, I think it may be that I need to get out of where I live, that possibly I am better then I think I am? just guessing here, I could not be better, and could go to the city and get sicker. Not sure. I will note what happens as the days pass.
thanks so much for your help and guidance :)