Hi! I had just a bit of hard fecal matters coming out the first few I had done. I could barely take any of the water in for many many afterwards. My colonic therapist said I had very little bowel tone. I was a mess. She scheduled me for two a week for the first few weeks, and then one a week for a few more, and then once every few weeks afterwards. I think she realized after we had gone to the one every few weeks that I was not her typical patient. My bowels were not moving in between the colonics and I was MISERABLE! In my opinion, she should have continued them closer together, seeing how I was so ill. The bad microbes in my gut were causing quite a ruckous too and my tummy kept swelling up like I was pregnant. It was awful. I am still working on my bowels-- it's a long long road when you have become as ill as I was. I still don't go every day ( although for a while last winter and this spring I was ) but I make sure I do an enema or take herbal laxatives from my health food store if I don't.