Re: Absolutely nothing works on my body
How many
colonics have you had?? I didn't release much of anything either until after many colonics. It takes time if you're really sick and congested. My
colonic therapist told me I was the most constipated she had ever seen-LOL! I almost never went on my own for a little over 10 years!! I am blessed to even be alive I think. Do you have candida? That is my problem, although it took me years to find out what was wrong. Lots of
Antibiotics deplete your good flora and peristalisis stops. I've also beeen told they congest your liver, which I have no doubt. If the
Antibiotics alone don't congest it, the years of candida and autointoxication will!
I have the same problem with the epsoms- they just don't do a damn thing for me ( I suffered through a load of
Liver Flushes with no results ). I was told that when you have candida you are extremely magnesium deficient, therefore your body just absorbs the magnesium and they won't do what they are supposed to. Hang in there. If I were you I would find an experienced
colonic therapist and stay the course until you get things cleaned up some. I've done three
Bowel Cleanses since having about 25 clonic sessions and was amazed to get even more crud out. My muscles have been releasing for the past two years and I am having less and less pain.