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Re: Rising Water
alisaun Views: 2,786
Published: 21 y
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Re: Rising Water


Last week I also had a dream about rising water. Everything worked out in my dream and I was safe, but there was definitely rising water in it, it was very clear (the dream, not the water).

Also, on a shamanic journey I went on last week, there was rising water as part of that as well. Actually, I was swept away by a river of blood and landed on a rock but the clear water was being polluted byt he blood.

Have you read Spiritwalker: Messages from the Future
by Henry Barnard Wesselman, Hank Wesselman ? This book talks about well, hm. The author is an anthropologist who lives near me in California and teaches. He went on this spirit journey to our future world where rising water has destryed civilization as we know it. This book is only second as scary as the book Grandfather by Tom Brown. These two books truly contain my worst fears and neither of them are written as fiction.

However, I have these loving guiding helpers who have told me that whatever this is, well, they said "what you fear will not come to pass". So that is of great comfort. I am geting the feeling that these great fears will not manifest, but I am getting STRONG feelings that our water SUPPLY will be affected, and that having a way to purify water around will be of great benefit for you, your loved ones, and the community. In this way, you can help set the example of love instead of fear.

But definitely wanted to pass along that I have had the recdurring theme of rising water.

I keep on hearing "love, not fear". Love, not fear.


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