Re:Sushi, dogs, worms,
Everyone has there opinion.
parasites are part of our planet, we eat and drink them everyday, along with having the dust mites cleaned from the air when it rains, and walking them into the house, and from there I parade them into every room and pollute all my furniture all by myself. If all be known I get
parasites every minute of everyday of my life
whether I have a pet or not.
And if we had been practicing some of the health consciousness we are learning today, there would be no 18
inch tapeworms, we would have killed them at birth. And none, absolutely none of the diseases would have had the wherewithal to exist. With preventions in order, we can live any way we want to.
It is my responsibility and choice how clean I want things, what foods I want to eat, and how to find ways to kill the parasites, so as I feel okay to eat the sushi, and the fried chicken, and any
Pets are extensions of ourselves, my dog is a most fulfilling part of my life, we enjoy each others company. I am treating her for parasites, and plan to zap her also.
Virgin Coconut Oil is known for it's ability to kill Candida, Parasites, increase metabolism, modulate insulin, lose weight, and a whole list of other things, that improves everypart of our bodies.
And the Best thing. It is very easily added to our daily lives, and all benefits. Think about something, if you have kids, they are polluted whether you like it or not. You can save the whole house by changing one little cooking habit. No kicking and fighting kids, no complaints, no one even has to know.
I would do anything to save my family. And my dog too.
Another thing too. Becoming a vegetarian does not leave you without parasites. All kinds of
parasites are found on veggies,
and washing them does not take them off or kill them, They have
built their only little cocoon to protect there life. So in reality there is NO safe food on this planet, Even nuts and grains
are jam packed with mold, which creates colds and flu.
I have one choice, learn all I can, do what I know.