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Re: to all who eat sushi!
alicia Views: 9,049
Published: 22 y
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Re: to all who eat sushi!

Hiya Tracey, it's me, Alikat, back here in the parasite Battle.
Maybe the Iron Chefs know what to do about sushi, eh?.
I was getting real smug thinking, Ha!, I can abstain from most sushi if I really have to, I'll just stick to California Rolls and Spider Rolls and.....and just then I clicked on to the next message and that sharp cookie Ocean turned the lights on!
But I wonder, just wonder how strong CITRICIDAL might be against parasite eggs and spores if consumed immediately after the suspected food. I mean just think of it, you have your "safer" sushi, and to the last 2 ounces of your green tea you add 15 drops of this awful tasting extract from the little bottle that you've brought in your purse or pocket. Followed by some ginger smeared in wasabi to cleanse the palate of course.
Citricidal is a very potent concentrate of grapefruit seeds and pulp. It is active against viruses, bacteria, protozoa and yeast, and if my memory serves me, agains some forms of parasitic infestations. Yeah, I know the question is, which ones? Dunno, but the idea is intriguing.
Your right Ocean, it is harder than giving up sweets! I travel to San Francisco next month where I spend summers with family. We are talking about the sushi capital of the north western hemisphere, and I've got to find the antidote!!!!
Anyone out there have a scoop on Grapefruit seed extract?


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