Re: Could these be Gallstones? The Lancet Volume 365, Number 9468 16 April 2005
The debate about the compositive of the stones expelled by the flush is never ending. Pros and cons can present all kinds of rebuttals and it usually does not really prove anything. In fact, it wastes many people's time (espeically mine) to read through all the foregoing posts without moving an
inch (so to speak) from the initial point just before these posting.
The controversy on these stones is not going to end - my prediction is never. I beleive that the flushings will remove toxins from both the liver and the gallbladder. It is a forced detoxification, triggered by the different components of the flush. That is why many people feel better, reported better health etc. But whether they actually get rid of the stones inside the liver and gallbladder is another story. It is really hard to believe that the liver and gall bladder contains "thousands" of stones (as many flushers reported). Most probably, these "stones" are actually mixture of the olive oil and the bile expelled. That would answer the questions why such stones can move through bile ducts so many mm wide. It is actually the toxic biles expelled and forming "stones" with the olive oil /
Epsom Salt mix. chemists can figure out how this is actually done.
What cannot be denied are the healthful benefits of the flush irregardless of the origin of these "stones." they could be the stones inside the liver and/or gallbladder, or not. Who cares? That toxins are removed in the formed of bile is what the flush is valuable for. As the toxins get expelled, the body's natural healing powers take over and start dissolving these stones so that while flushing gives the impression that the stones "disappear" after flushing, it is really the body dissolving the stones due to the large removal of the toxins that blocked the natural healing in the first place.
That is my theory and this sort of ties up all the loose ends like "how could large stones pass through tiny ducts" "why are some stones green and soft, and other colors (they are all toxins)" "whether the stones come from the liver and/or
Gallstones or nor"
Personally, I believe in the flush and this theory of mine so I do not care whether scientific tests show that the "stones" are olive oil or other stuff. Flush your toxins away and you will definitely feel better irregardless of all the debate behind the small stuff (which nobody can really prove anyway).