Liver Flushing has been fully and fairly explored, i will stick to my own experience, and the experiences of people who i trust. afterall, you go with what works. I have strong hunch that lancet dropped the ball here, but, don't have the time or money to do it right. but then again, i don't have to. i flushed clean, and it doesn't seem like the lancet is stopping anyone from flushing here and elsewhere, so does it really matter? like I said, after having so many negative experiences with doctors, and finally having something work (flushing), i'm in no hurry to take the lancet as gospel. i go with what works, especially when there are holes in their story anyway. not too concerned that its "unscientific". no one is ripping me off, and no one made any money off me with flushing, other than the grocery store. so everyone is happy, and it worked as described.
john g
ps. how is your nearsightedness? any improvement yet? its funny, the other day i saw a posting for another liverflusher that his vision had improved markedly... how about that... (I know Iknow, subjective,unproven blah blah blah).