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Re: Can't Stop Crying :(
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Re: Can't Stop Crying :(

Your stress is making it worse. You really should know the facts before you panic. I understand your emotional pain b/c I contracted HSV-2 from my ex GF who the week before was date raped and thought the bumps were a rash from shaving. But I was born w/HSV-1 (Cancre sores) and my body was already used to the diesease. This is your first outbreak and will be the worse. You will eventually get to the point where you will hardly ever get an outbreak and when you do it is b/c your immune system is weakend at the moment. I look at the virus as a barometer of health. It forces me to workout and eat right daily and take the proper natural supplements to stay healthy. My worst outbreak is about twice a year where 3 or 4 blisters form, quickly pop, and scab over. the scabs last for about 10 days and it's over. No bigs especially considering 1 out of 4 people have the virus and that's just the reported cases. The numbers are more likely 33% of your friends and family have the same virus. So you're not alone. All you can do now is prevent future outbreaks and accept the virus so outbreaks are no big deal. I suggest ordering Propolis and Super Lysine+ and Echineca tea every day..oh and take zinc every day w/a meal. You will be fine after a few outbreaks and won't even care about it anymore. If you do care well then you'l just have more outbreaks b/c stress weakens the immune system and the result is the normally dormaint virus comes to visit. Also, in other good news, on CN las month they tested a new drug on a man w/HIV and he was cured from it. After a few years this drug may be more readily available. So how does this matter for us? Well, HIV and HSV are both envelope virus's and that is why they are 'incurable'. So if we find a cure for HIV then HSV would be right around the corner.


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