Re: Can't Stop Crying :(
Sorry to hear of your pain, but lets concentrate on getting better.
First, get some DMSO cream. It can sting a bit at first, but its very effective against herpes and should help tremendously.Do a search on google for a supplier. Never an Outbreak sell it and it does work extremely well.
Second, follow a strict diet.Some foods will make it worse eg chocolate and others eg milk better.
Frequent baths should help the healing process.
The above is what I did when I was first infected , but I rarely get outbreaks now so in the future it may stop altogether. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
If you need anymore advice please email me at I fully understand your need to keep this private and bearing in mind the success rate for rape convictions is not good ( its about 5% in the UK), you might be better off puting this behind you as psychological stress makes the condition worse , but ultimately only you can decide.
Don't let this get you down and you will recover.
Kind Regards,