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Re: Can't Stop Crying :(
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Re: Can't Stop Crying :(

I am so sorry to hear how you contracted this horrible virus! I felt the same way as you did...a few weeks ago, I could not stop crying. I still have moments of sadness, but I feel that my story may help you feel better. I was given herpies by a boyfriend giving me oral sex when I was about 23. I am 30 now. I lived with this secret for 7 years!!! I am not sexually permiscuious, either. I have never had a one night stand and I have only had sex with men in a relationship. I recently told my boyfriend that I have the virus. I thought it would be important for him to know because we are considering marriage. He seems to be okay with it, meaning that he still loves me and we have many more positive things going on in our relationship for me to wory. He is going to talk to a doctor. Regardless of my situation, I thought it will be helpful for you to know that I told a close family member and a best friend because I was going through so much emotional pain and this was recently. They both still love me and except me for who I am. It has not changed my relationship with either of them. So, you are not alone.

Also, it helps knowing that 1 in 4 people are walking around with the virus weither they know it or not. My boyfriend is 33, I am sure he has been with many women before me...I am sure he has been exposed to the virus in the past. Anyone who you date going forward at our age will be in a simular situation. Don't worry, people love you for who you are! Valtrax will be the best thing for you! You should not have an outbreak...Are you sure you don't have shingles? I didnt' think herpies would be all over your body?

Please know that you will get over the pain emotionally and physically. This may be a life long disease, but it's only a temporary state of mind you are in. Talk to someone close to you...and keep your head up!


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