Hi :) I was feeling much like you when I stumbled on this site a few months ago. I was at 5'3 165 lbs Now I am at 110 lbs and I have done that in just 1 month and half. I started switching to raw food for a week, very very hard but if I felt tempted to eat junk I would do something else,play with my son or read etc. I than did a juice fast for 16 days and than switched to the Master Cleanse. I am on day 16 of my Master Cleanse and am going to go off it soon. anyway, food is no longer the control factor in my life. I feel amazing and healthy. After a few weeks you will be able to finally replace the old bad habits with new good ones. It'll be tough but you can do this. If you would like support or whatever please feel free to write me here or if youd like to correspond by email let me know and I'll send you one.