If you were "wrong" what are the self determined, "forcasted" implications. Where is this judgment coming from? Sit quitely annd watch all of your "disturbing thoughts".
What is the pattern? How does this pattern perpetuate and thus keep the loop "alive."
The simplest notion may be, if you don't like something....change it!
That is how we break loops and change experience.
Once you have identified the 'dis'ease, then you know what you no longer want as expereince. Then place your creative power on manifesting what you do. Get excited about where you want to take yourself and your new creations. Make it real. make sure waht you create is coherent with all your creations (so they don't work against each other). Don't look back with an emotional charge. If you are currently not able to look at "negative" data without an emotional attachment or charge (such as conspiracy, etc), it may be best to forgo the observation for the time being, because with energy in motion, and a strong thought form you will create that reality (that energetic) or in otherwords it will resonate fear within you.
If a race driver looks at a wall and has any emotional fear about it he will tend to steer towards the wall.
There is a time to DO! That is what I refer to as stepping up. One can theorize forever but spirit is having this "physical" experience which requires doing.
The trinity of thought...word...action.
If you do the same things over and over and have the same experience over and over that should tell you something. ;-)