19 y
Re: To promote discussion
Hi Lapis, thanks for your response; I couldn't agree with you more on the genetics bit - I think that mainstream medicine abuses the genetic predisposition and takes advantage of it "oh its in your genes you can't do anything about it, now let me pump you up with these overpriced useless, dangerous medicines to temporarily mask a solvable issue).
I do think belief system and conscious approaches we take to anything will greatly impact the outcome - that said I was extremely excited to go on a vegetarian diet since I basically used my meat consumption as the scapegoat to all my health troubles. Unfortunately my hopes faded (maybe I was expecting immediate gratification but I thought a couple months would be sufficient). But maybe I truly believe that eating according to my metabolic type (meat consumption) works for me, and maybe its my strong belief that actually makes it all better and cancels the meat factor.
When I was younger my family would get together when we killed a pig or cow and celebrated with a feast, so I guess it depends on whether you have emotional attachement to your food source that makes it bad to eat - I can emotionally attach myself to an animal and feel guilt to kill it, but I guess I can feel that way too when I yank a carrot out of the ground. Sometimes emotional detachement is a good thing.