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Re: To promote discussion
Lapis Views: 2,515
Published: 19 y
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Re: To promote discussion

Hi mike. One must look not ontly to teeth but to digestive enzyemes and stomach acidity, etc which is ideal for a raw vegan diet. Raw meat would be better but not ideal in todays culure with unhealthy animals, this would be far from good, IMHO.

As far as the Inuits, they had a very short lifespan utilizing raw meat(40 yearts on average according to several sources), but a healthy one compared to other natives in North America who cooked their meat and grains. They were the only native culture in North America that didn't require a medicine man. So raw meat better but not ideal. Compare this to the Hunzas.

Genetics? These are nothing more than a starting point (a map you "come in with" but then act like a recording medium. This is where belief systems and thought forms take over and rule the existence after that. The way mainstream medicine uses the indea of genetics is to help create a belief system of victimnhood, whereby we lose our control...after all "it's already determined in the genes. It sets up a pattern akin to a self fulfilling propehcy ;-)

I encourage you to read geneticist Bruce Lipton's "The Biology of Belief."

In the same vain if you dont *think* you'll "tolerate" a raw vegan diet, then you won't. I believe that cooked food and animal products are a poweful addiction along with a culturally promoted blood sacrifce. I have some articles in my "In The Raw" blog that address flesh addiction as well as digestive and biological compatiblity of meat eating and their byproducts. Much of what you have written in your post is adressed there at great length.

I also propose that those who "feel" the need to eat meat, kill the animal themselves in order to apreciate the process and see how they resonate with it. One could even start with their pet dog, cat or bird, which would save some hunting time. ;-)




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