Re: To promote discussion
Some points I'd like to add:
- Mankind seems to be able to tolerate various diets, at least for a period of time.
- Humans' tastes can be altered or cultivated, if the individual wishes, or by necessity.
- Human feelings very much come into play when there are choices. Lacks in emotional areas will cause flaws in dietary habits. 'Treats' are allowed.
- In a world where choices are offered, and travel is everyday, members of the same household may eat differently. Husband and wife may acommodate each other's preferences. One may dominate the other.
- Farmers have lost their understanding of good growing soil, forcing the land to produce inferior plants, shipping their 'foods' where poop that must replenish the soil is, instead, mixed with swallowed medicines and other contaminents, and pumped as fast as possible into the nearest body of water. There, it destroys and changes creatures and chemistry on its rush to the oceans. We are stewing in unknown juices.
- The human body can tolerate much, so industries have a 'window' within which to experiment, without getting caught. But, when our babies sicken, we can be sure someone has gone too far.
- Our greatest error is in losing instinct for wholesomeness. Our bodies have lost original knowledge/intuition, and substituted habit. Family habits of eating used to teach the young what is 'right' and safe. 'Marketing' has bred confusion, in all areas.
- The human survivors of this mess will be those who can find real seeds, and plant them in uncontaminated little plots, like their own backyards. While hoping that the rain they save is pure, and being sure to cleanse their bodies before pooping on their growing soil.
We now have to know what we're doing, where we haven't had to for thousands of years.
'Business' is failing, and screaming louder and longer than ever before, in its death throes.
Don't listen. Do better. Walk.
Innocence, simplicity, natural beauty, common sense, and goodwill will save the earth, if we can ignore those who are pedaling 'civilization' and manufactured products, and those who are so confused that they prey on their neighbors.
We could begin in the prisons. If we can help them, we can help anyone.