Maybe demon is not the right term to use in this situation...but it is demonic suggestion that makes us do things that hurt ourselves as well as others. Jesus may not have cast demons out of homosexuals of his day...but God did destroy Sodom and Gomorrah without a second thought. There are only two things that God referred to as abominations in the Bible...Sodomy and the Antichrist. To me, they are both put into the same basket when it comes to how God feels. I don't care what psychologists have to say about it...Homosexuality is a choice...just as love in marriage is a choice. People choose to fall out of love with their partner instead of making it work. It's just easier to divorce, even tho it costs both parties. We choose whether or not to listen to suggestions to steal, to gossip, to have sex outside of marriage. All are sins and all are able to be avoided through self control and spiritual awareness. Some are more susceptible to that power of suggestion than others. Satan knows how far he can tempt people and with what based on beliefs, morals, spiritual awareness etc. Those with less morals are more easily persuaded to vile acts than others. "Homosexuality is okay" is just another lie of the devil to fool us into thinking that's the only way some people will be happy and he's lying to the rest of us making us think that it's a psychological disorder and should be accepted because it can't be helped. Hogwash!!!