Don't mean to pick on you, healme, but I see you writing this a lot "I don't disrespect them, I just disagree with it."
Which really I think everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. What I am against is when people's opinions (Usually religious ones) set out to make laws for the whole country.
If there was a vote to allow or ban marriage whould you vote?
Personally I don't think this should even be a voting matter, it's a right's matter and everyone should have the same rights.
I am not here to change the way you think about gays, I just wish people didn't want to deny other's certain rights becasue of their religious beliefs.
It's like I think brussle sprouts are nasty and I wouldn't mind having them banned from all supermarkets. But then again I don't have to buy them and they don't really effect my life so I would never campaign for their ban becasue I know lots of people like them and it would be a waste of my time.