Til dig
Hej - og tak.
Thanks for your message. I really appreciate it.
I've been reading many of the different articles on your homepage, including the account of your own horrible and unnecessary experience with this. It's all very very well-written and inspiring.
I was very fascinated by the article about Alfred Stocks experience with MP, and also the different letters written by the Danish chemist P. Møller. I've read many of his things before and i have great respect for him.
It's horrible what you had to go through. You seem to be one of the only victims of this to actually have something that could be considered 'proof' or 'evidence.' I'm sure i read about a mercury test being done on a preserved cancer tumour at an earlier point. I was very fascinated by this and im very impressed you managed to have it arranged and carried out.
I had hoped that i had finally found a solution for my situation. I was supposed to have my fillings removed in the beginning of september by a 'holistic' dentist. Unfortunately it went down the drain. I talked to her over the phone this friday, as i wanted to know what sort of fillings she would be using etc., and it turned out that she doesnt even really believe in all this herself. She does believe that Hg-fillings can cause some minor problems like tingling and some memory loss. When i mentioned some more of my symptoms - many many of the same you mentioned in your story - she believed it to be nonsense that i could connect those sorts of symptoms with tooth fillings. She had also never heard of a connection between Alzheimers, Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia etc. and Hg. I wont be using her. All she would really have been using anyway was a rubberdam and shes been extremely unhelpful all along. She has shown absolutely no interest in my situation and has repeatedly asked me if im sure i will be able to pay for the treatment.
I am considering using a regular dentist now. I know this is a horrible solution. I need to have this done in sedation due to my nausea and dizziness. I have extremely shallow breathing and i need to be able to breathe through my mouth. As the situation is right now i start gagging almost immediatedly due to not being able to breathe properly. I see no way this could be done under regular circumstances and have tried it repeatedly back in 2002. I've booked a time for a sedation treatment September 23th here in Copenhagen. The dentist does not believe in MP, but he's willing to use a full rubberdam and he will try to see if he can order Diamond Crown fillings. If not, he will be using a brand called Charisma. Bad solution, but i really cant take this anymore. I need to try something, anything. I keep giving up.
I really appreciate and admire what you've done with the homepage and everything, its very inspiring, and i wish you only the best with everything you decide to do from now on.
About the Danish girl who had replacements done; i'm always very very interested in how other people have dealt with this or are currently dealing with it, how they discovered they had this etc., but im not a very interesting person to talk to at the moment. I don't know what i'm saying half the time, and regret what i just said the other half. So i'll be saying and doing as little as possible until i maybe hopefully find a way out of this soon. But thank you so so much.
I'm also apparantly not very good at keeping my posts short and to the point these days either.
All the best and
tack så mycka once again,
(I wrote this in English as i wasnt sure how fond you are of the Danish language. I think my Swedish understanding is somewhat decent and i didnt have that many problems understanding your homepage. I really like Sweden, and ive lived in Värnamo(?) many summers when i was younger while my father worked there as a doctor.)