Re: PLEASE Help with Replacement Decision.
Thanks for your message!
Believe me i have considered having them pulled - and also some more extreme solutions. Ive had to scrape these ideas though.
I read some of your earlier posts and i can see that we share many of the same symptoms, although ringing in my ears is only a minor issue for me. My
food intolerance is absolutely horrible. I lost between 15 and 20 kilos within the first 3 months. I do not leave my apartment due to sound/light/motion sensitivity and general dizziness. I also have bad physical/mental fatigue. I have many symptoms, but these have been the ones that have kept me from getting anywhere.
Teeth pulled solution:
1. The dentists i have talked to - even the MP aware ones - wont pull my teeth.
2. Due to problems with my weight and diet, not being able to chew for months would be an unbearable problem. I have nothing liquid in my diet, except for water and blackcurrant juice. Ive tried all kinds of protein drinks. No luck. Intolerance.
3. Going through having implants inserted seems like more than i can currently take in this state.
When i found out no-one would pull my teeth, i considered damaging my teeth to such an extent that they would need to remove what was left and then help me with implants. I considered doing this in my apartment and then calling an ambulance and say that i fell coming out of the shower - and unfortunately landed with my teeth down on the toilet brink. Trust me, i have considered all alternatives to suicide. I will not live like this. I am 26. Almost 27. I was 24 when i got sick. Had a job, a life and my health. Then i had a
root canal done and a mercury filling placed. Apparantly not a good idea.
Im going to try out the diet you mentioned in another post. This is what i can eat with the least problems:
Whole grain rye bread (90% of my daily diet)
Figs + dadler (dont know what you call those, dates?)
Blackcurrant jam, pears, honey rye bread and cooked chicken (only once a week, cant deal with it more than once a week)
I had the
root canal done in feb. 2002, started getting sick in april/may 2002 and have been bedridden since june 2002.
I found out what was causing my situation in september 2002, but at the same time i also discovered (the hard way, i would say) that MP 'doesnt excist.' I was thrilled to finally have discovered what was causing this hell and talked to my father about it. Unfortunately my father - whos a doctor - believed i had to be suffering from severe mental problems since i suddenly began talking about being poisoned by my fillings and he had me committed to a psychiatric hospital against my will. The police showed up and there was nothing i could do. I was then medicated against my will and the whole thing was horrific as i was going through all this while being MP sick at the same time. And i had, and still dont have, anyone whatsoever to turn to. Everyone believes me to be a mental case.
Ive gotten in contact with a 'holistic' dentist who does believe in MP. She uses full sedation and is willing to treat me. I will have all my 5 fillings removed and the tooth with the
root canal (incl. my sixth filling) pulled. Shes uses rubber dam etc.
Its my last attempt. The last 2 years have been brutal. I see no-one. I will not be talked to like a mental patient anymore and have completely isolated myself for the last close to 2 years. My mother brings me groceries twice a week. I talk to no-one, except a few dentists through e-mail or by phone every now and then.
Sorry for the long post. Got carried away. If my english is less than perfect at times, keep in mind that im danish!
Ill be very interested in hearing about your situation in the future and wish you the best.