Re: PLEASE Help with Replacement Decision.
Oh my lord!
I thought i had it bad!
How on earth have you managed thus far?
You must have some unbelievable will power inside of you 3years!
Yes i see in some ways how you and i are very similar i.e age,intolerances(you have a seriously small list of foods you can eat there),and having everyone think that we are as the saying goes"mad as hatters".
I cant even imagine what it must be like having your own father a bloody doctor not even take you seriously!
I myself gave up on the doc ages ago as he used to look at me like i was a scitzo.
You said you were gonna try out the diet i mentioned in another post.
Did you mean the anti-candida/alkalinizing/ayurvedic type diet?
Wow try saying that fast.Sounds like a disease or something!
I was wondering how you are coping with rent,food moneys and such?
I know its a bit personal asking you that but its just that i am finding it so hard living on 44
pounds a week from state benefits(income support).
I dont see how i can ever pay for what i eventualy decide to do with my teeth, and i know for sure the goverment will not help pay for it so im in a catch 22 if you get my meaning.
How are you gonna pay for your treatment?
Also how did you find out it was definately MP causing your problems?
So far now i have lost in excess of 50
pounds in muscular weight(my bodyfat was about 6% when i first got ill as i was dieting for a competition) and i think that is mostly down to candida issues as im not getting the nutrients out of my food and the candida is.
I wonder if maybe you have candida issues too what with your intolerances,weight loss etc.
I am using the diet i mentioned above and am starting to feel pretty good but i know its gonna be a long time before i can put any weight back on again.
As far as having dentures im not too keen as i read theyre just as bad as
Amalgams but to be honest my teeth are so knackered some of the ones that have been filled have no sides at all.
Theyve just been shaped and built up with the filling.
I havent contacted any dentists yet and asked if i can have them pulled as i am waiting for my mother to get her retirement fund and then we can get me sorted, but thats not for a while yet so i`ll just have to sick it for now.
I dont know what id do without her i really dont!
I just dont like the idea of having the same old tired teeth filled yet again with something that in 5 years is found to have dangerous materials in.
Whats the point in having them refilled for the rest of my life anyway? I say rip the blighters out and to hell with it!
Firstly your exposing yourself to more vapours in a couple of hours than you would in a life time.
Secondly your put on a ridicoulous amount of vitamins and iv etc just to get over the treatment.
Thirdly you can guarentee that you will feel like sh1t for a while afterwards, and last of all you will probably have to do this whole process not just once but a few times!
For my teeth as they are shot to hell i just want them out!
For you maybe they arent so laden with filling and can easily be extracted.
I`ll still have 7 top teeth and 8 bottom ones at the front and ive always liked soup anyrhode so thats ok :) :)
You know you can blend anything and chug it down so its all good.
Get back to me as im intrigued about how you are managing life in general.