Re: Hi there natnutters! :-)
Hi Invincible! Thanks for that recipe, it sounds gorgeous :) I'm usually a bit boring with my rice, just add cumin and eat, but will try it with the parsley and onions! Also I avoid tamari sauce, but I don't think I need to as you can get wheat-free and the soy is ok as it's fermented so will give that a try too...add a new flavour to my food :)
Anyway, hope you had a great week and you're still on the up after your flush :)
I'm feeling more energetic which is down to a few herbs and also taking phosphatydal serine...bit of a mouthful! It's good for the adrenals and for memory and rather expensive but definitely works! Also taking ashwagandha and gota kola as Shelley recommended the gota for studying :)
I know I need to sort out heavy metals and hoping to do a pascalite footbath soon...I think the full bath blocked the plughole as my water has been taking ages to go down lol! Do you use one cup of clay for a footbath?
Also now that my adrenals are being supported, perhaps I can plan for a flush! Do you have to stop all supplements a week before flushing?
Have a good weekend :)