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Re: to cook millet and quinoa?
shelleycat Views: 2,507
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 324,993

Re: to cook millet and quinoa?

Beware of short grain brown rice, it is very constipating. It is best eaten after very slow cooking so it soaks up a lot of water. For great instructions as to how, get the Nourishing Traditions cookbook. It doesn't really need to be soaked so much as slow cooked.

Millet is the same, needing very slow cooking.

Quinoa is a very easy grain to cook and fix. Takes only about 10 minutes and doesnt' require any soaking, just be sure to rinse it in a seive because it comes coated wtih a saponin that is a bit toxic. Use it in place of rice or couscous for hot or cold salads or pilaf. You can serve it up like you would oatmeal for a nice hot ceral meal. And check out the Morrocan Chicken Soup recipe in the FAQ, it's a soup that calls for 1/2 cup of quinoa. Very tasty! :)

All of the grains need about a 1 to 1 ratio of grains to water, as in 1 cup of water for 1 cup of grains, altho the short grain rice tends to do better with a 2 to 1 ratio. The water should be about 1/2 inch above the grains. Boil until the water is level to the grain, and then reduce heat to very low and put a lid on tight. This steams it. DO NOT stir unless you're making a pilaf and have added oils and herbs.


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