It’s possible that your digestive system is not functioning properly – that 24h acid reflux symptom you have may very well be lack of stomach acid (has same symptoms) – and you may be aggravating it even further by taking antacids or proton inhibitor prescriptions. This creates abnormal conditions in your gut, specifically pH balance that your body needs in the gut to keep dysbiosis away (candida is this too). Stomach acid is critical to digest the foods and kill pathogens and if you are blocking it you are allowing pathogens to thrive in the gut and further feed them because you aren’t able to digest the food with out the acid (pathogens will be feed off your undigested food). So if you are trying to kill candida you want to make sure there’s no reason for it to grow out of control in the gut. You may look into supplementing betaine HCl and enzymes to allow proper digestion (proper bile flow is important too so if you have pale stools odds are bile flow is restricted which is as important as stomach acid to digest and maintain proper pH.
For advanced conditions it may be beneficial to do a modified fast to starve the pathogens and restore normality in the gut (enteral formulas could be use for nutrition without feeding pathogens), but trying to correct digesion may slowly solve the issue (probiotics may also help displaced overgrown candida).