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Re: What to do for Depression TO OBJOYFUL: please read

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Original Hulda Clark
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Re: What to do for Depression TO OBJOYFUL: please read

Hey objoyfl

I am depressed because I cannot seem to pinpoint what my body needs here. But after reading these messages I am thinking it very well may be magnesium. I am taking a magnesium supplement and concentrace minerals and a multi also. Dr. I spoke to told me to take magnesium glycinate , which is a form had not been taking. I have been taking magnesium oxide, citrate , amino acid and chelate combined. But I am questioning if I am absorbing anywhere near enough. I did order the magnesium glycinate waiting for it to get here. Oddly, my candida doesn't really seem that bad. I know that candida can cause mineral deficiences, and my bet is that over the long period of time, having candida , I am desperate need of magnesium and maybe even calcium.

Let me ask your opinion of something...

Back in june, July, August , September I had the burning face and head. Very scary and disabling. IN October, one morning I woke up and popped a cheapy brand calcium magnesium was calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide as cheap a it gets. About 30 minutes later the burning in my head was completely gone. By lunch time it started to return again, so I went home and ate lunch, popped another cheapy cal/Mg, and again burning went away. hhhhmm I said. By dinner burning again came back, so I took anther and again same positive results. Could not take anymore because that was the max dose. For an entire week in October I was 100% completely healhy, no symptoms at ALL NONE. After a week of doing this, the burning stopped even returning in between doses, but I continued taking it anyway feeling I was needing it. After about 7-10 days I started having relentless diarrhea. I knew right away it was from magnesium. However, when I stopped taking it the burning started to come back. At this point I knew I had to stop taking so much magnesium, because magnesium related diarrhea causes a magnesium induced magnbesium deficiency. I know that from before. So I switchedto my usual brand of cal/mag that has much less oxide and was mostly chelate, amino acid, and citrate. I continued to have diarrhea no matter what I did. Diarrhea went on for almost 3 weeks. And I went down hill fast. Feeling I probably lost all the magnesium I had taken and then some. I was now sicker than I have ever been at this point. Not sleeping at night, sick to my stomach, diarrhea, dehydrated, head burning, anxiety attacks etc. horrble. I kept changing brands , changing amount of cal/mag anything, but diarrhea continued for 3 weeks. Finally after switching back to my usual brand of cal/mag I got myself regulated again. The diarhea finally stopped. But I was feeling aweful the entire month on November, I believe as a result of all the diarrhea. I mean , if I was deficient to begin with, 2-3 weeks of magnesium loss thru diarrhea can't be a good thing..

I spent the month of novemebr trying to get my dose of magnesium back up to where it needed to be. From the research I had done I understand that magnesium deficiency can take a long time to repair. I added foods with magnesium in t try to get as much as I can. Eventually my burning head and face changed to cold sensations instead. Ice cold like someone is holding a bag of ice to my skin. A penetrating cold. I was wearing a hat and scarf in the house. Sometimes it even worked its way down my back and ocassionally to my arms and legs. It was annoying. Around the middle of Decembver it changed to a menthol type of feeling like someone rubbed bengay into my head and face , sometimes my back.

All that is gone, at least for now, now I just feel spacey, and my head feels numb. All these symtpoms are helped by drinking tons of water. I still feel that magnesium plays a huge part. Or was it the calcium that I needed. In my research I also found that calcium carries messages to the cells and nerves via fluid. So at this point I am waiting for magnesium glycinate to arrive so I can swithc over. Hopefully that will help me. I know I have issues with water balance in my body too. That might be related to magnesium deficiency or imbalance? I mean afterall magnesium is an electrolyte and needs to water to circulate I think.

What do you think of this? Does it sound to you like I am on to something? Why would my symptoms have totally disappeared when I took cal/mg. Cheapy cal/mg was in the form of a quick release capsule, could that be the reason I got relief? Why would oxide have helped me even for a week, and why did it take a whole week for me to get diarrhea. Weird. But I know I have read that oxide does not get absorbed very well. So why did I have such a dramatic reposnce to it? Could it have been the calcium I responded to? As an experiment this evening I took one of those old cheapy capsules to see how I feel. I feel pretty good although lightheaded...don't know why that is. I feel I need to do some detective work here as to what is going on. Does it sound to you like my symptoms then are some kind of deficiency and not candida? I know candida may have caused the deificiency.

You know I did have candida a long time ago 1992. I was very ill then too and when I think about symtpoms I had then I probably would have been completely fine if I had taken some vitamins. but I was kid then and did not know any better.

Please give me your insight. Thanks OB



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