Re: Candida does not thrive in Acid!
No, vinegar is not indicated for those with Candida because of the allergic response. If you do give it a shot, you will probably find that you get light headed and feel out of touch, maybe get a headache, heart palpitations, and feel really spacey. It's not a fun experience.
As far as acid vs. alkaline. The stomach must be acid to digest food as well as pathogens. Keeping the pH of the tissues of the body balanced (more on the alkaline side, about 6.5) will keep the pancreas secreting enzymes for proper digestion. When the body pH is out of balance, the pancreas does not produce the hydrochloric acid necessary for the stomach. Acids must be excreted from the body, so if the body is getting too many acid forming foods in the body it will excrete it, buffer it, or store it in the tissues. It buffers acid with minerals, especially Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium. This is where Osteoporosis comes from. Stored acid in the tissues can cause the stomach to turn alkaline because the cells are too acid to produce hcl for the stomach.
The stomach should be slightly acid, the small intestine, alkaline, and the colon, acid again.
I hope this helps. It can be confusing for sure.