We do need sympathy. Docs suck. Ppl don't understand.
I vehemently disagree with the contention that sympathy doesn't help. We come here, because adding to the difficulties posed by our physical condition is the poor environment in which we have it:
one where doctor's are useless, and other people don't believe in such a thing as candida. Others think we are malingering...blah, blah. We all experience it.
Sympathy is different than pity. Pity is useless, but a little sympathy is showing compassion without the "you poor little victim" tone. That is a good thing.
It can really help to come here and have people understand. It is important to remember that when people come here with all these difficulties, they are often really hurting. Kicking them when they are down is cruel and mean. Especially when they open up a post and have no idea that you are about to slam them. Doing this over the internet is a poor way to judge whether someone can tolerate a kick in the pants. You cannot see facial expression, you cannot read body language or hear tone of voice, so regardless of what you think someone might "need," you had better be very careful about pushing someone that way. What if it is just the last straw for that person?
I know I have had plenty of people around me who give those negative messages all the time. They don't think candida exists. They think I just try to "do too much." (Yeah, maintaining employment is too much)? The last thing I need when looking for support is for someone to kick me around some more.
Please, if someone is tempted to be negative, stop and check your own motivations. It probably has nothing at all to do with the poster, and could be harmful. Just don't post! Unless we are stuck with a help-rejecting-complainer on here who hangs around for months and doesn't get it that we all have to suck it up...please be supportive on this support forum. Thank you.
Now, please excuse me while I resurface for air... *gasp*
I vehemently disagree with the contention that sympathy doesn't help. We come here, because adding to the difficulties posed by our physical condition is the poor environment in which we have it:
one where doctor's are useless, and other people don't believe in such a thing as candida. Others think we are malingering...blah, blah. We all experience it.
It can really help to come here and have people understand. It is important to remember that when people come here with all these difficulties, they are often really hurting. Kicking them when they are down is cruel and mean. Especially when they open up a post and have no idea that you are about to slam them. Doing this over the internet is a poor way to judge whether someone can tolerate a kick in the pants. You cannot see facial expression, you cannot read body language or hear tone of voice, so regardless of what you think someone might "need," you had better be very careful about pushing someone that way. What if it is just the last straw for that person?
I know I have had plenty of people around me who give those negative messages all the time. They don't think candida exists. They think I just try to "do too much." (Yeah, maintaining employment is too much)? The last thing I need when looking for support is for someone to kick me around some more.
Please, if someone is tempted to be negative, stop and check your own motivations. It probably has nothing at all to do with the poster, and could be harmful. Just don't post! Unless we are stuck with a help-rejecting-complainer on here who hangs around for months and doesn't get it that we all have to suck it up...please be supportive on this support forum. Thank you.
Now, please excuse me while I resurface for air... *gasp*