20 y
you are only alcoholic if you say you are... it matters not what others may think... it only matters what you think... but the fact remains... alcohol seems to be causing you problems... and as long as that is the case... then maybe it's time to do a more honest evaluation...
why don't you try making a list of all the wonderful things that alcohol does for you and has brought into your life... life one for instance... it makes you feel 10ft tall and bullet proof... it makes you a good dancer... makes you loosen up and be more socialable... these are all positive aspects... list as many positives as comes to mind for you... then make a list of what it costs you... example... terrible hangovers... expensive... and one that bothered me in particular was never knowing where i would end up or how i got there... (blackout drinking... if you are not a blackout drinker yet... you will be if you keep drinking... alcoholism is a progressive disease... it always get worse... never better)... anyhow... it's your call...
most alcoholics love alcohol and the way it makes them feel... it helps in coping with the hopeless situations of life...(but not really... always seems to make matters worse...) however... regardless... it is a call that only you can make... for as long as you think drinking is the answer to all your problems then you will continue to enjoy alcohol... and all the fun i brings...
total abstinence is the only answer if you find that you are indeed alcoholic... so maybe (when you get better/healthier)... you should try practicing control drinking and see how well you do... if you can go into a bar... or social gathering... and say to yourself that you are only going to have one or two and then go home... and can do exactly as you said you would do... then my hat is off to you... for obviously you are not controlled by alcohol... but if you are anything like i was... i never went into a bar thinking i was going to get drunk... (well maybe once or twice i did)... but i always went in thinking i would a couple of drinks and go home... (which never happened)... the thing that i was blind to was what that first drink did to me... it always made me want "one more"... and at three o'clock in the morning i would still be having "one more" for the road...
i also made the self discovery that i could not stay quit on my own... seems there would always be situations in life that required having a drink to help cope...
and it took some time for me to see that going to AA meetings worked for me... because for one thing... meetins helped me stay committed to abstinence... meetins helped me see that others had the same problems i had... helped me see that most alcoholics have many similarities... and i eventually began to learn from them... it took a fierce determination in the beginning for me to keep going to meetings... but then again i knew what the alternative was... bottom line... i knew i was doomed if i didn't...
so these are just a few pointers to reflect on...
just remember one very simple little rule...
alcohol will never be a problem for you...
as long as you don't take that first drink...
but... it's your call...