I am not a doctor, I don’t know of any that post here. And they are the ones you really need to address those questions to. That said, here I go with my two cents worth.
Candida is another word for a yeast infection, Almost every woman I ever met has had one at one time or another. If you are getting them all the time, ask your boyfriend to wash himself, he can re-infect you every time you too get together. Are you wearing your cloths too tight? That can cause the naturally occurring yeast to grow out of control.
Leaky gut, now that one I had to look up. Basically malabsorption due to a crappy diet. Eat wholesome foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, leave the fried stuff alone for a while.
Oh yea, one more thing, there is no way that drinking like a fish can help any of these things. Quit on your own if you can.