i don't recall ever having those problems in particular... but here's an article from 9th bodys' blog about "turmeric" that might prove to be useful... at least find it interesting... 4 or 5 paragraphs down it mentions candidas... check it out...
you also might want to try a google search for "turmeric"... to find more articles and do a little more research before making up your mind about it...
there are also forums that discuss leaky gut and candida conditons... that would probably prove to be very helpful to you...
as for the liver flush... i've done many of them... not sure how many... but i think somewhere around 18-20... and they have always helped me... i seem to feel better and have more energy afterwards... but here again... not sure what problems might occur if you tried doing a Liver Flush while drinking... don't know that it would work... so first things first... quit the drinking and then concentrate on regaining your health... it has always amazed me how quickly alcoholics recover their health after they learn to keep the plug in the jug...
hope this helps...
best of luck to you...
and God bless...