you've brought up a very good point... and that being that not everyone that drinks... (not even those that sometimes drink excessively)... can be called alcoholics... the distinguishing difference is that you seem able to stop at will... "you have a choice"... whereas the true alcoholic doesn't... and is obsessed... and compelled to continue drinking even though he knows it is killing him...
but thanks to your initial post... i've done a little more indepth research on "turmeric"... and must say that i am so impressed with it's health benefits that i intend to start making it a part of my daily diet... perhaps i might even try some indian recipes... anyhow... i found a site that sells it by the pound... at what i consider to be very reasonable... and plus it has many other such herbs and spices... so just in case you are intersted... thought i'd share it with you...
best of luck to you my friend... and thanks for posting... for even though you may not be alcoholic... you are still very much welcome here... and believe it or not you've helped me...