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Re: please!!who has lost a lot of weight on this cleansing?
hopinso Views: 1,532
Published: 19 y
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Re: please!!who has lost a lot of weight on this cleansing?

hopinso: I don't know where you are located, but if you are in the South Florida area, I would be more than happy to help you and take you to the store.

Even though I grew up in Florida, I live far away from there now. Still, I appreciate your offer, there are some truly wonderful and generous people here on Curezone. The pain is so bad right now and even with a cane I can barely drag my body through the house. I hope I can start the cleanse tomorrow. My doctor has told me not to fast right now because I'm so run down and weak. I hope that the energy from The Master Cleanse drink plus the addition of healthy juices, a green drink and natural anti-inflammatories will me both cleanse and heal. Plus, I wouldn't object to some weight loss too. Even if I have to submit to surgery this summer, I want to be as healthy as possible and lose some of this poundage that has crept up since I reinjured my back last July. My research has shown that chronic inflammation can lead to weight gain through leptin resistance, I'll be my own Guinea Pig and see if this works.


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