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please!!who has lost alot of weight on this cleansing?

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lvndrmoon Views: 2,218
Published: 19 y

please!!who has lost alot of weight on this cleansing?

I am now on day 10, I started on Thursday the 26th, and I was weighing 227.. I am looking to do this cleansing for the month of Feb and lose as much as I can and of COURSE cleanse and detox so that I can once again become a healthy vegetarian as I once was years ago. I remember back when I was thin, I used to juice carrots and Celery and apples and beets and I would eat very healthy and I was looking fantastic and felt even better. I really feel into a hard Depression due to my moms death nearly 6 years ago and my weight has fluctuated from thin to 200lbs and back and last year I gained it all back from stress and topped to 230lbs! I never want to be this way again... I am very holistic and I am looking for this Master-Cleanse to be my key.

I would like to lose 2 lbs a day, and I was... when I first started it I was doing great... then I also read that some people have combined the Master-Cleanse with juicing and also with Psyllium and Bentonite to increase the BM and colon cleansing. Since I have been working and getting up at 5am, its been hard for me to commit to the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) everyday, so i know i have not been consistent with that. Yesterday I decided to to the B/P for today, and this morning I did the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) and then once I gave it a few hours, I juiced some apples to take with the B/P. Now I got back on the scale and I went from 214 from yesterday back to 218 today, and I am losing my mind! I have been drinking water and I have been going to the bathroom but no BM, very little come from the "back" only bunches of "furry" looking things along with very yellow liquid comes from the "back". I am freaking out cause I want to continue this and I am not even missing food or anything, but I feel like I am doing all this for nothing... my goal was to lose at least 60 lbs by march, and I am losing faith. Can someone please give me advice on this matter?



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