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Re: please!!who has lost alot of weight on this cleansing?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

lvndrmoon Views: 1,481
Published: 19 y
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Re: please!!who has lost alot of weight on this cleansing?

WOW! Thank you so much! That was so much information!! I will stay away from the B/P until I finish the cleansing... but why is that so important? I think it would be a great way to "suck" all the garbage that has been stuck in my colon, ESPECIALLY since I am not adding to it by not eating any solid foods.. I would think, right?

Also, really appreciate all that you have suggested, and I will definately do the green tea, and the carrot juice. I have played with the maple syrup and since I make a gallon at a time, I always add more lemon juice than syrup, and keep in it the fridge. I bought some cayanne capsules yesterday and I thought that I would get more benefit from that since I dont like the taste of the cayanne in the lomonade that much and I use very little of it. Other than that, I have pretty much done a traditional MC, and for a few days the first week I did drink green tea and it made me feel very good, and helped me get over my coffee addiction. I will continue on with that.
I am not able to do the Flax oil right away (in a little bit of a budget) but I think with everything else, it will help me. you are very knowledgable, thank you.


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